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The Chillicothe Voice

How to Build a Reading Habit

Reading yields many rewards, but it’s sometimes hard to fit the reading we’d like to do into our busy lives. Want to make reading a habit? Here are some tips from the staff at Chillicothe Public Library, based on common habit-building strategies. 

Set a specific goal that is easily within reach. 
Are you just starting out with adding reading to your day? Or want to do more of a specific kind of reading—maybe non-fiction, poetry, or a reliable news magazine? Start small: try introducing a daily goal of reading 15 minutes. 

Bundle your habits. 
Stacking your reading goals with something you already do can help you stick to it and can make both activities more enjoyable. Try adding an audiobook to your workout, commute, or chore routine; reading with your morning cup of coffee; or put your phone away and pick up a book for a blue-light-free wind-down before bed. 

Measure your progress. 
Many people are motivated when they keep track of their goals and record their successes. Some ideas: mark days on a calendar, keep a list of books or articles you’ve read, or drop a penny in a jar every time you read your goal amount. Celebrate your progress—but if you lose your streak, don’t sweat it! Just jump right back in. 

External motivation. 
Sometimes our own good intentions aren’t quite enough. That’s where rewards and accountability come in! Consider telling a friend about your new reading goal, joining a book club, or signing up for a reading program at your library. Summer Reading is coming up soon at Chillicothe Public Library (June 11 – July 22), and it’s a great way for readers of all ages to find some extra motivation through achievable goals, prizes, and camaraderie. 

Already love to read? 
You can leverage your passion to spark other healthy habits. If you want to get up earlier in the morning, consider rewarding yourself with a poem or a chapter once your feet hit the floor. Intend to get to the gym more frequently? Download an audiobook that you only allow yourself to listen to while you’re exercising. Or maybe save those favorite comic strip collections for when you’re brushing your teeth (your dentist will be impressed). 

The staff at Chillicothe Public Library is here to support your reading habit! For more information, visit, call 309-274-2719, or stop by 430 N. Bradley Ave.