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The Chillicothe Voice

Getting to Know Ryan Phelps – Chillicothe Christian Church’s New Pastor

Chillicothe Christian Church is excited to welcome their new Senior Pastor, Ryan Phelps, and his family—Crystal, his wife who will be teaching Math at IVC High School, and three children, Brenna, Braedan, and Brylyn. Ryan will be working with their current Senior Pastor, Bob Hentrich, during a 3-month transition period until Bob retires in October. Here are some fun facts about Ryan. 

  1. Favorite Food? There is hardly a food I’ll say no to, but if I had to eat it consistently, give me Italian and a close second would be Mexican.
  2. How did your recent visit to Israel impact you? Israel impacted me in so many significant ways, but among the longest-lasting will be the way the Bible came to life for me. As someone said, it was like seeing Scripture in 3-D. I heard from other pastors who had visited Israel that it would change many things about me, particularly my preaching, and I absolutely stand behind that statement. I’ll never preach or see God’s Word the same way again. Secondly, it reinforced Jesus’ serious call to follow Him as His disciple and His command to make disciples of all people and nations. To walk where Jesus walked and to see so many people who live daily in those footsteps and are missing the message of the gospel was heartbreaking. It has reignited a desire to seek more of Christ and to make Him known more in my own life and ministry.
  3. Favorite Movie? This is a toughie. I’m a movie buff, but if I had to get down to one, I’d go with a movie that gets me in the feels every time, “Rudy.”
  4. How is God burdening your heart for those inside the church and those outside the church? My passion is to see people start, continue, and finish their race of faith well, and to be all that God has called them to be for His glory. I want to see others won to the love of Christ, built in the image of Christ, equipped to bring others to Christ, and multiplying fruit, more fruit, and much fruit for Christ.
  5. Favorite Dessert? If it has pie in the title, consider it a win, but the top three in no particular order—lemon meringue pie, apple pie, and pumpkin pie. I’m a gigantic sucker for anything lemon though!