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The Chillicothe Voice

An Interview With Don White, President of the Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce

Q: Don, why are you involved with the Chamber of Commerce?
A: I simply enjoy it. I grew up here in Chillicothe and my involvement gives me the opportunity to pay back the community that raised me. My membership also allows me to network with leaders in the community.

Q: What is the mission of the Chamber?
A: Paraphrasing our bylaws, we promote economic growth, recreational opportunities, and prosperity for the benefits of our members and the community at large making it a better place for us all to live, work, and raise our families.

Q: What would you say to others to encourage them to get involved in the Chamber?
A: It has been said that a business has three responsibilities; first to your customers, next to your employees, and then to your community. A Chamber membership assists in all three responsibilities.

Q: What kind of businesses or organizations are current members of the Chamber?
A: We have a very diverse membership. Members include large corporations, small retail shops, eating and drinking establishments, financial institutions, churches, professional service firms, non-profits, and service clubs.

Q: Does the Chamber sponsor community events?
A: Yes. We sponsor the “Downtown Chocolate Tour” in February, “Chillicothe Days” with the carnival in June, the “Henry–Lacon–Chillicothe Kayak & Canoe Jaunt” in August, the “Merchants Trick or Treat” and the “Nightmare on Second Street” in October, and the “Santa Parade” in November. These events are organized by committees made up of members with the help of our Ambassadors group; our volunteer force.

Q: What is the value of being a member of the Chamber?
A: My favorite is the value of networking with other members at our monthly educational luncheons and at the bi-monthly “Business After Hours” events. The luncheons are held at a member’s eating establishment creating business for them and the luncheon speaker is usually a member promoting their business. At the “Business After Hours” events, the host member has a chance to showcase their business or organization with an open house. We also publish a monthly newsletter and encourage members to include a “spotlight” article about their business or organization at no cost. At varying costs to members, we have done billboard ads, radio ads, and coupon booklets allowing members to promote themselves. At our Annual Meeting, a lucky member is recognized as the Chamber Business of the Year!

Q: If someone would like to consider joining the Chamber, what should they do?
A: First, check out our website ( From the website, you can subscribe to our newsletter to see information on our members and events. You’ll also see contact info for our Chamber Facilitator, Amber Gibson, who will be happy to answer any questions and send you a membership application. Or, you can get a free lunch by letting a current member know you’re interested. Then just attend a lunch with them and you’ll both get your lunch paid for!

Q: Any final comment?
A: Yes. A Chamber of Commerce is only as strong as its membership; we currently have about 130 members. The more members, the stronger our Chamber. I would encourage your readers to get involved!