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The Chillicothe Voice

Letter From the Editor – December 2023

Nov 27, 2023 12:21PM ● By Ginny Molleck

December is such a busy time of year for so many of us and for so many different reasons. For those of us still working a full-time job, it’s hard to fit in all the extra events, shopping, and decorating. Then for others, the extra responsibilities of children and the extra energy and excitement of Santa can add even more stress to the already busy schedule. Then of course there are the plans for holiday cooking and baking. Oh my, the baking! 

When I was growing up, my mom would bake for days so she would have all those special cookies that everyone looked forward to. She was a stay-at-home mom and while the rest of us were at work or school, she would do the baking. One day when I was in High School she let me stay home to help. I remember that day so well, just me and Mom, baking all those special cookies—and her sharing with me the history of each one. Some cookies were traditions like the Springerle cookies that came from my mom’s German heritage that required that strange rolling pin kept in the kitchen drawer for this once-a-year use. Then we had to make the Orange Slice bars simply because Dad loved them. Then the bourbon balls—I don’t remember the story behind those, but I do remember how fragrant they were. It was probably a tradition from my grandpa since I don’t remember either one of my parents being bourbon lovers. But, the year that I helped Mom bake all day gave me a larger appreciation of all the work and love that went into those holiday treats.

Over the years, I have created different traditions for my family and those traditions are much simpler and better match the amount of time and patience I can offer. Everyone is happier with the result of a less-stressed Mom and Grandma. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year!

For the Community — About the Community — By the Community.

Ginny Molleck,
Editor of Chillicothe Hometown Voice