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The Chillicothe Voice

Lions Club Sneaker Recycling Program

The Sneaker Recycling program ran by the Chillicothe Lions Club, in conjunction with the Illinois Foundation, has been a big success! When all of the shoes have been collected, we will have several hundred pairs of sneakers to be recycled. We will also have raised a couple of hundred dollars more to go for the treatment and prevention of blindness and hearing and vision loss. The landfills will also be minus a few hundred tennis shoes as well this year thanks to the generosity of all of the donors who participated in the program.

The Lions Club would also like to thank Chillicothe Appliance, South School, I.V.C. High School, C.E.C. School, & Mossville School for the collection boxes that they all had at their buildings. The downtown businesses and the students at all the schools really came through for us. To them and all who contributed to the program we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and soles!