IN THE SPOTLIGHT — Sherry Killion Adams
Jan 29, 2024 02:26PM ● By Dave Molleck
When talking with Sherry, you quickly learn that she loves her family, has a strong relationship with God, and loves her hometown of Chillicothe.
Sherry was born in Peoria, but at a young age moved to the Rome area. She graduated from Mossville Grade School in 1964 and attended Chillicothe Township High School. When she was a sophomore, she met the love of her life, Bob. He was a senior and the two immediately hit it off. Bob graduated and began working at Caterpillar while Sherry finished school, graduating from CTHS in the summer of 1968. They married seven months later in the winter of 1969. In 1971 their first child Michelle was born and later Tammy and then Darren arrived completing their family. They have 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and just celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary.
Sherry stayed home while their children were small, but when Darren started kindergarten, she entered the workforce. First working as a therapist for a local chiropractor, she later was asked to take the job as Program and Building Director for the Chillicothe Park District, where she worked for 17 years, providing the community with summer children’s programs, senior bus trips, and special needs programs. She also wrote grants for the Park District to install the disc golf course, a McDonald’s playground, and reseeding the softball field. One of her accomplishments that she is most proud of was helping get the Shore Acres Clubhouse on the National Historic Registry.
In 2010 she became the first manager at Helping Hands Resale shop, which she related was the most rewarding job she had ever had. “Helping people and seeing what a difference that shop made in people’s lives was priceless!” She retired in 2016, but I believe her community involvement might prove her wrong. Sherry is a problem solver and a hard worker. She might not be on a payroll, but her dedication to her community is hard to ignore. Sherry was one of the women who was very persistent in talking to my wife, Ginny, and I into starting this publication, and she had a vision of what it could become. Since its start in 2022 she has consistently written the “In The Spotlight” article. The purpose of this column, she related, is to recognize individuals who have built this town and contribute to making it a better place to live. Sherry fits well into this category. Her community involvement includes but is not limited to: Girl Scout Leader, RYA Member, Senior Nutrition Program, CNA volunteer, Optimist Board (Optimist of the year 2018) Town Theater Board, Ambassador Chillicothe Chamber,(Ambassador of the year 2023) and contributor to the Chillicothe Hometown Voice.
Raising funds and getting the eagle watch telescope installed at Shore Acres was a major accomplishment that she is proud of while being in the Optimists Club. Sherry also writes grant applications to the Three Sisters Music Festival that provides much-needed funds for the Optimist’s Town Theater each year.
Being a problem solver she realized a few years ago that their country home was getting too much to maintain in their retirement years. They downsized and now live in town with their 95-pound German Shepard, Khloe.
When Sherry finds time she writes Christian Fiction books. She has four in print: Destiny Waits, Destiny’s Promise, Vanished Into Darkness and Into the Light as well as many manuscripts written waiting to be published someday. She also loves to paint—mostly landscapes and her garage is her gallery. Another big part of her life is her church, Chillicothe Christian, which she has been a member since 1999.
The meaning of success can vary among people. Some people believe success is measured by the money you have earned or saved. Some by titles or educational degrees earned. I believe a truly successful person overcomes obstacles in their lives so they can later help others without seeking rewards. I’d say she has met the definition of success in my mind, and the community of Chillicothe has benefited from her efforts. Thank you Sherry Killion Adams for all your contributions and efforts to make Chillicothe a place we are proud to call home.